Nasi Kandar

Kayu Nasi Kandar

Restaurant Kayu Nasi Kandar

There are indeed many good Nasi Kandar places in Penang. There is one in Bayan Lepas, Kayu Nasi Kandar, another Nasi Kandar Beratur at Kapitan Keling. Some even tell me that Nasi Kandar Kampong Melayu is good. But as for me, I’ll rather stick to my old time favourite Line Clear Nasi Kandar located in a narrow alley. It has been around for more than 45 years.

Lineclear  Nasi KandarNasi Kandar Stall

Line Clear Nasi Kandar

During lunch hours, you will most probably have to stand in a long line for your turn to be served. This place offers many delicious curries and dishes to go along with white rice or Nasi Briyani. Prices are charged according to your selection which can be as cheap as RM4.50 – RM11.00. I feel very safe to eat here because of the huge flow of customers which can only means that the food are freshly cook. They are open 24 hours, so you can be sure no overnight leftover.

Address: Nasi Kandar Line Clear
Behind 177 Penang Road

Categories: Penang Food Guide.